Standard or Standardization: Reconsideration on the Teaching Quality Evaluation in Universities
投稿时间:2015-04-23  修订日期:2015-09-18
中文关键词:  教学质量评价  教学质量标准  标准化
英文关键词:Teaching Quality Evaluation  Teaching quality standard  Standardization
基金项目:2014年度广东省高等教育教学改革项目“应用型本科院校教学质量保障与监控体系建设的研究与实践一以佛山科学技术学院 为例(GDJG20141205)研究成果。
王银花,韦器闳 佛山科学技术学院教务处 
摘要点击次数: 1945
全文下载次数: 2368
      目前普通高校教学质量评价越来越以量化的标准作为评价的主要依据,出现了片面倚 靠标准等从标准走向标准化的现象。教学质量评价的标准化现象可能会遏制教学过程中的创造性,忽视多元差异,易造成教师的职业倦怠等。在这种情境下,应理性认知教学质量评价标准,更贴近 教学实际,由院系等教学单位根据学校定位、专业人才培养目标以及社会对毕业生能力素质的要求 自主制定专业教学质量标准、课程教学质量标准,使其更具有动态性和多元性,切实减少量化倾向,理性运用教学质量标准的评价结果。
      Quantitative standards have been employed as the main criterion for teaching quality evaluation in many universities, and the phenomenon leads to a trend from standard to standardization thereof. Standardization in teaching quality evaluation may stifle the creativity in teaching process, ignore multiple differences and bring more pressures on teachers and students. Therefore, the current teaching quality evaluation standards shall be reconsidered. The paper suggests the standards shall shed more lights on the dynamics and diversity of teaching practices.The standards should be determined by departments depended on the university positioning, targets of students cultivation, and social requirement for graduates. It should reduce suitably qualitative standard and control empirical tendencies. Last but not least, the evaluation results of teaching quality standards shall be used rationally.
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