熊丙奇.推进“等第制”评价需进一步深化 升学考试制度改革[J].上海教育评估研究,2016,5(5):27-30
推进“等第制”评价需进一步深化 升学考试制度改革
Promotion of“Grade Assessment” System Requiresto further Deepen Reform on Entrance ExaminationSystem
投稿时间:2016-09-05  修订日期:2016-09-20
中文关键词:  “等第制”评价  唯分数论  高考制度
英文关键词:The“Grade Assessment” system  “Solely rely on scores”  College entrance examination system
熊丙奇 21 世纪教育研究院上海200030 
摘要点击次数: 1785
全文下载次数: 2776
      从2016 年新学年开始,上海将全面推行小学“等第制”评价。作为减轻学生负担的重要举措,“等第制”评价在实践中取得一定效果,但也存在不可回避的问题。本文对“等第制”评价实施的效果进行了客观分析,指出要让“等第制”评价在中小学得到推广,需深入推进升学考试制度改革,打破“唯分数论”升学评价体系。
      Starting from the beginning of new school year of 2016, Shanghai will implement in full scale of “Grade Assessment” system in primary schools. As an important measure to reduce the burden on students, the “Grade Assessment” system has achieved certain results in practical implementation. However, it also has unavoidable problems. This paper made an objective analysis on the implementation effect of the “Grade Assessment” system. Furthermore, it pointed out that in order to promote the“Grade Assessment” system in primary and secondary schools, it is necessary to further deepen the reform on entrance examination system, to break the entrance examination system “solely rely on scores”.
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