Analysis on the Practice of Trial Evaluation in Education Evaluation
中文关键词:  教育评估  试评估  试评估的应用
英文关键词:Education evaluation  Trial evaluation  Applications of trial evaluation
基金项目:2020 年度上海市探索长三角区域一体化教育领域新机制试验项目研究课题“长三角地区涉外教材管理协同创新机制研究”(2020规划1-41)
汪建华,侍伟民,王珊珊 上海市教育评估院教育综合事务评估所上海 200031 
摘要点击次数: 1073
全文下载次数: 2752
      Trial evaluation is an important means of evaluation programs. This paper points out that trial evaluation is not the purpose, its purpose is to promote the relevant parties to better improve their work. Through the trial evaluation, we can not only optimize the evaluation process and find a better evaluation scheme, but also establish a good working mechanism to guide the evaluation for promote the construction, so that the evaluation can be implemented smoothly. This paper also makes a comprehensive analysis on principles and cases of trial evaluation, and expounds the role of trial evaluation in education evaluation, which can provide a good basis and reference for the practice of education evaluation.
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