周 佳 1,孙 萌 2.我国职教高考制度改革的困境与突破:基于中职教师访谈的研究[J].上海教育评估研究,2024,13(3):48-53
China’s Higher Vocational Education Entrance Examination System: A Study Based on Interviews with Vocational School Teachers
中文关键词:  考试评价  职教高考  考试体系建设
英文关键词:Examination assessment  Higher vocational education entrance examination  Examination system development
周 佳 1,孙 萌 2 1. 武汉市教育科学研究院职业教育与成人教育教学研究室2. 湖北省教育考试院命题制卷办公室湖北武汉 430000 
摘要点击次数: 702
全文下载次数: 1121
      This study conducts on-site interviews to assess the current status of provincial vocational education entrance examination systems. By integrating the best practice of the reform of the national college entrance examination and the characteristics of vocational education, the study proposes a design of the“One Core, Two Wheels, Four Layers, Four Wings”model. This design emphasizes the values of character building, talent selection, and education guidance. It highlights the distinct characteristics of vocational education, enhances the scientific quality and flexibility of the examination system by assessing through four distinct layers, namely, core values, subject and professional competencies, key abilities, and essential knowledge, and addresses the foundational, comprehensive, applied, and occupational aspects. In doing so, it caters to the diverse educational needs of students and promotes educational equity.
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