张侨芮,肖 煌,戴雨妍.英国学位学徒制的发展概说、实践路径及启示[J].上海教育评估研究,2024,13(3):54-59
Overview, Practical Path and Enlightenment of the Development of Degree Apprenticeship in the UK
中文关键词:  学位学徒制  英国  高等职业教育
英文关键词:Degree apprenticeships  United Kingdom  Higher professional education
张侨芮,肖 煌,戴雨妍 华南师范大学职业教育学院广东汕尾 516600 
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      Continuously advancing the development of apprenticeship systems is an important approach for countries to foster their talent and skills strategies. Currently, apprenticeship system of the United Kingdom has evolved to encompass four levels: intermediate, advanced, higher, and degree apprenticeships. The introduction of degree apprenticeships has not only extended the chain of skilled talent development,but also achieved equivalency with general higher education. UK also enacts specialized laws and regulations to safeguard its development, develops a apprenticeship standard system to enhance the quality of talent development, and develops an integrated curriculum system to promote the integration of theory and practice. Drawing lessons from the British experience, China should enhance its institutional framework, create a favorable development environment for apprenticeships, enhance modern apprenticeship cultural identity, and reform modern apprenticeship evaluation mechanisms.
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