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现代教育不仅要重视学生的学习和成长,而且还要关注教师的发展,其中教师职业幸福感是不可回避的重要方面。为了了解上海市小学教师的职业幸福感,运用自编的评价标准,对上海市五个区的13 所小学的教师职业幸福感进行了调查,发现教师职业幸福感指数为63%;工作状况、职业认同和目标定位三项指标的得分较高,对幸福感指数的贡献率为73%;发展前景指标得分尚可,对幸福感指数的贡献率为14%;社会地位和经济收入两条指标的得分较低,对幸福感指数的贡献率分别只有9%和4%。最后,根据调研结果对教师职业幸福感提出了三点思考。
关键词:  小学教师  职业幸福感  评价  思考  调查研究
Received:December 31, 2016Revised:February 16, 2017
An Investigation on Primary School Teachers’Professional Happiness and Relevant Considerations
Wu Gang, Ding Cong
(School of Education, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234)
Modern education should pay attention to not only students’ learning and development, but also the development of teachers. Among lots indexes the level of teachers’ professional happiness is an important aspect that cannot be avoided. In order to understand professional happiness of primary school teachers in Shanghai,we used our own evaluation criteria and evaluated teachers’ professional happiness in 13 primary schools located in five districts of Shanghai. We found that the teachers’ professional happiness index is 63%; the scores of job status, career identity and goal orientation are higher than others, and their total contribution rate to the happiness index is 73%; the score of prospects for the development is acceptable and the contribution rate is 14%; the scores of social status and economic income are lower and the contribution rate are only 9% and 4%, respectively. Finally, three suggestions on the evaluation of teachers’ professional happiness were presented.
Key words:  Primary schools  Teachers professional happiness  Evaluation  Consideration  Investigation