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国家助学金的评定尺度与温度 ——从“因穿耐克鞋被取消助学金”谈起
(浙江师范大学教育评论研究所,浙江金华 321004)
近几年来,高校对国家助学金评定的“奇葩”规定有增无减,曾经有一则“因穿耐克鞋被取消助学金”的网帖走红网络,引起了网络舆论对“贫困生应该是什么样子”的热议。 国家助学金能否被高校通过科学评定而分配到贫困生手里,是一件事关教育公平的大事情。本文对国家助学金的设立宗旨、资助情况、评定质疑、评定尺度与评定温度进行了客观分析,认为对于贫困生的关注,需要的是尊重而不是怜悯。 因此说,高校需要掌握国家助学金的评定尺度、更需要传递评定温度。
关键词:  高国家助学金  贫困生  评定尺度  评定温度
Received:April 30, 2018Revised:May 04, 2018
Scale and Temperature on Assessment of National Student Grants——A Talk on "Cancellation of Stipend for Wearing Nike Shoes"
Liu Yao
(Institute of Educational Review, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, Zhejiang 321004)
In recent years, several ridiculous events happen in the assessment of the state grants in universities, and it is with an increasing trend. There was a news of " wearing Nikeshoes leads to the state grand beingO cancelled", and the news has been become the hotspot inthe Internet. Then this news caused a discussion that "What should the poor students look like?" That the state grants can be allocated to poor students by scientific assessment in universitiesis a matter of great importance to educational equity. In this paper, we make an objective analysis of the purposes, funding, assessment, scale and temperature of the state grants. We believethat the concern for poor students needs to respect rather than compass. Therefore, universitiesneed to master the assessment scale of national grants, and even need to pass the assessmenttemperature.
Key words:  State grants  Impoverished students  Assessment scale  Assessment temperature