摘要: |
在我国学前教育发展过程中,小规模幼儿园承担起乡村地区学前教育的重要工作,保教质量的提升成为乡村学前教育质量提升的关键。作者在2022年《幼儿园保育教育质量评估指南》出台后展开调查,发现乡村小规模幼儿园现状与《评估指南》中的指标之间存在较大差距。主要问题有缺乏明确办园理念、缺少对科学保育的重视、缺乏对教学实施效果的检验、活动区域设置受限、师资力量较薄弱等。建议在乡村振兴战略的大背景下,借鉴国外发达国家保教质量提升的经验,探索乡村学前教育精准扶贫之路,助推国家乡村振兴。 |
关键词: 学前教育 小规模幼儿园 保教质量 |
DOI: |
基金项目:辽宁省社会科学规划基金一般项目“政府治理视角下民办小规模幼儿园教育质量保障研究”(L20BGL019)。 |
Problems, Causes and Strategies for Improving the Quality of Care and Education in Rural Small-scale Kindergartens |
WU Jiali1, SUN Yumeng1, WU Ni2 |
(1. College of Preschool & Primary Education, Shenyang Normal University, Liaoning Shenyang 110034; 2. Institute of Educational Strategy and Macro Policy, National Institute of Education Science, Beijing 100088) |
Abstract: |
In the process of development of preprimary education in China,small-scale kindergartens undertake the important work of preprimary education in rural areas. The improvement of the quality of care and education has become the key to the improvement of the quality of rural preprimary education. This study conducted an investigation after the issuance of the Guidelines for the Assessment of the Quality of Care and Education in Kindergartens in 2022, and found that there was a large gap between the situation of rural small-scale kindergartens and the indicators in the guidelines. It mainly manifests the following problems: lack of a clear idea of running the kindergarten, lack of a scientific concept of care and education, lack of inspection on the effect of teaching, limited setting of activity areas, and weak teachers. The study suggests that in the context of the Rural Revitalization Strategy, we should learn from the experience of foreign developed countries in improving the quality of care and education, explore the road of targeted poverty alleviation in rural preprimary education in order to help promote national rural revitalization. |
Key words: Preprimary education Small-scale kindergartens Quality of care and education |