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关键词:  教育  社会角色  立人之本  培养路径
Received:August 12, 2012
A Preliminary Assessment of the Social Role of Education
Zhang Shengquan
(Shanghai Theatre Academy, Shanghai〓200040)
The main body of the social roles is not only human being but also contributions of all walks of life. Among the social roles, education is of particular importance. Before a person takes part in social activities, he has had to go to school, his level of education and the merits are then a direct impact on people’s literacy. At the same time, education is promoted and implemented by people. The people’s effort, not only makes his role become the focus of social progress, but also makes the role of education be also a critical point of social progress. The role of interaction between people and education, can only be dialectically and historically unified in the social practice. Thinking about these, the paper starts with person’s social nature, and then deals with the function of education around of the issues of basis of human and fostering this path to develop socially useful talents.
Key words:  Education  Social roles  Basis of human  Training paths