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(阜阳师范学院,教务处, 安徽, 阜阳 236041)
关键词:  高等院校教学评估  内部质量保障体系  要素建设  人才培养
Received:September 07, 2012Revised:November 12, 2012
基金项目:安徽省重点教学研究项目:“高师院校非师范专业实践教学质量保障机制创新研究”(项目编号:20100640)和“地方高校内部质量保障体系建设理论与实践创新研究” (项目编号:20100641)。
On the Construction of Core Elements of Internal Quality Assurance Systems in Universities
Wang Jian
(Educational Affairs Division, Fuyang Normal College, Fuyang, Anhui 236041)
In the new round of undergraduate teaching assessment, the university is required to be put into the center of quality assurance system of the university education. Establishment of a multi component assurance system, which is based on self evaluation and monitoring data of university’s teaching activities, is important. The key issue is to examine the construction and operation of the university educational quality assurance system. The construction of the internal quality assurance system is a system engineering. It needs to grasp accurately the core elements of the assurance system, to built an excellent quality culture, to establish a normal assurance system for colleges in the university, to create scientific and incentive mechanisms to excite teachers, to encourage students to participate the quality management. It also needs to introduce the external evaluation, to optimize the organization mechanism of the assurance, to promote firmly the construction and normal operation of the internal quality assurance system.
Key words:  Universities’ education evaluation  Internal quality assurance system  Core elements construction  Talents training