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第四代教育评估理论及其应用效应 ——以上海高校高峰高原学科建设方案论证工作为例
教育改革发展需要现代化教育评估方法与技术的支撑,第四代评估体现了当前国际最 新的外部质量保障理念。该理论强调协商与建构,较好地解决了以往教育评估中的缺陷。本文以上 海高校高峰高原学科建设方案论证工作为例,分析了第四代评估理论具体应用方法和效应。指出第 四代教育评估理论有利于教育评估从封闭式走向开放式,从量化评判走向质性分析,从终结性评估 走向发展性评估,从单一评估标准走向多元评估标准,从教育管理走向教育治理。新一代教育评估 理论对促进教育改革发展具有重要意义。
关键词:  教育评估  第四代评估理论  高等教育  学科建设
Received:June 23, 2015Revised:July 13, 2015
The Fourth-generation Education Evaluation Theory and Its Effects on Applications——Based on the Demonstration of Top Disciplines Construction Schemes at Shanghai HEIs
Feng Hui
(Shanghai Education Evaluation Institute)
It is necessary for educational reform and development to be supported by modern education evaluation methods and techniques. The fourth-generation evaluation is the latest philosophy of external quality assurance in the world. It emphasizes negotiation and construction so as to reasonably vanish defects in past education evaluation. Based on the demonstration of top disciplines construction schemes at Shanghai universities and colleges, the paper analyses effects on applications under the fourth-generation evaluation theory, which is beneficial for transformation of education evaluation from close mode to open, from quantitative analysis to quality, from summative assessment to developmental, from single-criterion evaluation to diversi-fied-criterion as well as from education administration to governance. It will play an important role in promoting education reform and development.
Key words:  Education evaluation  The fourth-generation evaluation theory  Higher education  Disciplines construction