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大学教师“荒”还是学生“慌” ——从大学现身“替课族”谈起
“替课”的前世就是逃课,由于大多高校将学生课堂出勤率与其学期成绩挂钩,有意逃课 的学生便找人“替课”。自此,逃课升级为“替课”。“替课”是学校、学生、“商家”等合力催生与滋养的c “它”不仅浪费了教育资源,而且让圣洁的大学染上了铜臭味,更为要命的是诚信这一应有的道德品 质与学生渐行渐远。如何有效治理“替课”现象,大学应该采取前治后理的策略。比如,前期采取严加 管理与相关技术手段“先遏制“替课”现象蔓延“然后再进行系统的全面的研究与改进。
关键词:  大学生  逃课  替课  诚信教育
Received:August 31, 2015Revised:September 06, 2015
The Lack of Teachers or the Fear of Students—A Talk on “Faitours in Classrooms”
Liu Yao
(Institute o f Educ ational Review, Zhejiang N ormal University)
Looking for some people to attend the class is a new phenomenon in Chinese Universities. It is because that universities connected the scores with the present rate to force students in class. It leads to these truants to look for faitours. Seemingly, looking for faitours is a result from universies, students and businessmen, actually, it is because of the market. The appearance of faitours in classrooms wastes the resource of education investment, but also brings the stink of money to the pure education places. Moreover, it leads to the fact that these students lost their integrity, and leave it farther and farther gradually. To govern the unhealthy phenomenon, universities should take rigorous measures. For example, at the early stage tight rules and related technical means should be adopted to stop the stretch for the phenomenon of faitours, then, the reform of teaching system should be carried out to improve the teaching results.
Key words:  University students  Truants in classrooms  Faitours  Integrity education