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(重庆理工大学,1.发展规划与教育评估中心,2.光电信息学院,重庆 400054)
文章以研究生学位论文质量评审平台为基础,综合运用高等教育教学质量评估理论和统计理论,设计了具有三级指标体系、应用五等级评价法和矩阵计算为核心的研究生学位论文质量评估系统,该系统解决了常规做法存在的主要问题,满足了研究生学位论文质量评估新需要,具有操作性、实用性。 案例评估表明,评估结论用数据说话,既客观又准确、真实。
关键词:  学位论文  质量评估  指标权重  量化  矩阵计算
Received:May 05, 2016Revised:June 01, 2016
基金项目:重庆市高等教育教学改革研究项目“研究生学位课程教学质量国家指标研究与实践 ( yjgl23030),高校内部教学评估体系的构建与实践(133136)”的阶段性研究成果。
The Research on Quantitative System of the Graduate Student Dissertation Quality Assessment
Pu Lichun,Ran Qincui
(1. Development Planning and Education Assessment Center, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing;2. Institute of Optoelectronic Information, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054)
The research has designed the quality evaluated system of graduate dissertations to solve the problems of routine evaluation. Based on quality review, these dissertations are evaluated by using three-level indexes, five-grade, and matrix calculation. It is a fact that the system has the characteristics such as operability, practicability and so on. The system can be applied in evaluating the thesis' quality during the graduates' education or decide a awards to a thesis. The evaluating conclusion can be told by data, which include objective, accuracy and reality.
Key words:  Dissertation  Quality assessment  Index weight  Quantitative  Matrix calculation