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大学章程作为高校内部的自治规范,最重要的功能在于调整共同体内的秩序,它的对外 效力只能基于法律授予高校的办学自主权而产生的消极的防卫, 即用于排除外界对学校办学自主 权顺利行使的干扰,并不能积极地直接地影响学校外部成员之间的权利义务关系。因而大学章程在 缺乏国家强制力保障实施的情况下,要确立和维护其权威性,相较于法律则更依赖章程的民主性基 础、统领性地位以及稳定性特征。大学章程权威性的确立离不开完善和落实依据章程制定的下位规 章制度体系,离不开共同体内成员和外界力量对章程实施情况的有效监督,离不开行政机关、司法 机关等国家机关和社会外界对大学章程的尊重,确保学校无阻碍地行使国家授予的办学自主权。
关键词:  大学章程  权威性  办学自主权  内部治理
Establishment of the Authority of University Statutesin Modern University Governance
Feng Hui, Yang, Yajing
(Office, of, the, President, Shanghai International Studies University,, Shanghai, , 200083)
University statutes whose primary function is to keep the order within the university are regarded as self-regulations of the community. Based on school autonomy authorized by laws their external effect can only eliminate external interference but not directly affect the relationship of rights and obligations among different persons outside the university. University statutes whose primary function is to keep the order within the university are regarded as self-regulations of the community. Based on school autonomy authorized by laws their external effect can only eliminate external interference but not directly affect the relationship of rights and obligations among different persons outside the university. As the implementation of university statutes is not as secured by the coercive power of the state as national laws the establishment of their authority depends more on their characteristics of democratic basis ruling position and stability future. Moreover the authority of university statutes can not survive without the improvement and implementation of lower systems effective supervision inside and outside the community sufficient respect from the executive branch the judicial branch and other state agencies.
Key words:  University statutes  Authority  School autonomy  Interior governance