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大学排名被曲解误用的困境何以突破? ——从习近平讲“别太在意排名”谈起
自世界上第一个大学排名出现以来,社会质疑就一直没有停歇过,诋毁多于赞誉。可以说,大学排名是“在骂声中成长的”。为什么诋毁者多呢?概因人们对大学排名的曲解误用,在一定程度上造成了一些社会危害。可是,无论人们喜欢还是不喜欢,大学排名已经是难以消灭的客观存在,并且越来越成为人们认识大学不可或缺的重要工具。讨论大学排名的生存还是死亡,已经没有什么 意义。我们能做的是,认识大学排名存在的合理性,进一步完善大学排名方案、规则与制度,让大学排名依据排名目的更好地服务社会。中国“双一流”建设遴选在即,我们要以“中国特色,世界一流”为宗旨,创建具有中国特色的世界一流大学评价体系。
关键词:  大学排名  中国特色  世界一流  大学评价
Revised:May 04, 2017
How Can We Break through the Misuse and Misunderstanding of University Rankings?—Learning the Xi Jinping’s Talk on“ Don’t Care the Ranking too much”
Liu Yao
(Institute of Educational Review, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, Zhejiang 321004)
Since the appearance of the university ranking, it has challenged continuously by the social opinion. Generally speaking, the slanders are more that the praises. Hence, we can conclude that the work of ranking is growing up with the scolding sound. The reason of the scolding may come from the misuse and misunderstanding and the ensuing social harm. However, no matter people like or dislike it, the university ranking is still objectively existed, and more and more people think that it is indispensible. It becomes nonsense to deal with the existence or extinction of the university ranking. What we must do is to recognize reasonability of the ranking, perfect the ranking index system, rules and method, use the ranking result correctly.We are now determining and constructing the“top-level” universities in China, we should develop the evaluation system with Chinese characteristics.
Key words:  University ranking  Chinese characteristics  World top-level universities  Evaluation of universities