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当前, 质量建设已成为中外合作办学发展新阶段的鲜明主题。质量建设应是一个全过程,包括审批准入门槛、分类监管机制、过程评估认证机制以及退出机制。本文着重对退出机制开展研究。实地调查发现,一些项目的办学质量存在问题,甚至有些已明显不适合继续开展办学活动。目前我国还缺乏清晰的政策法规对此加以引导和约束,理论界对此问题的研究也屈指可数。参考国外的相关处理经验,结合我国办学实际,中外合作办学项目退出机制建设应注意以下几点:退出机制应建立在有效的审批准入门槛、分类监管机制和评估认证机制的基础之上;高校和地方政府需强化自身责任意识;科学论证和决策,协调各利益相关者利益诉求。提出退出机制建设应坚持的基本原则。
关键词:  中外合作办学  项目  退出机制
Received:December 14, 2016Revised:February 20, 2017
A Study on the Quit Mechanism of Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Undergraduate Programs
Huang Minjun
(Institute of Education, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian 361005)
During the new developing stage of Chinese-foreign cooperation schools, the educational quality building has become a distinctive theme. Quality building should be an integral process, including the approval of access threshold, the classification of regulatory mechanisms, the assessment process in the certification mechanism and the quit mechanism. This paper focuses on the study of the quit mechanism. Through on thespot investigation and review, there are many problems in some institutions and projects, and some of them are obviously unsuitable to be continuously carried out and organized. There are lack of clear policies and regulations to guide and retract, theorists on this issue are also one of the few. Referring to the relevant experiences abroad, combined with the actual situation of Chinese higher education, this paper puts forward some opinions on the punishment and quit mechanism of Chinese-foreign cooperation in running undergraduate programs. Quit mechanism should be based on the effective approval of access, classification of regulatory mechanisms and assessment of certification mechanisms; universities and local governments need to strengthen their sense of responsibility; through scientific demonstration and decision-making, the interests of the various stakeholders should be coordinated. Quit mechanism should have basic principles.
Key words:  Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools  Programs  Quit mechanism