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(上海市格致中学,上海 200001)
文章对国际成年人能力评估项目 PIAAC“背景问卷”中“学习意愿”调查量表各调查项的内涵进行初步分析,进而选取其中指向相近的四条调查项,组成“学习积极性”量表,并进行了多组验证性因子分析,结果表明“学习积极性”量表相较于原始的“学习意愿”调查量表表现出与 PIAAC统计数据有更好的拟合度。 基于 PIAAC2013 调查数据,测试表明“学习积极性”量表在样本中具有结构不变性、完全弱等值性和部分强等值性。 运用回归分析研究“学习积极性”量表的效标效度,结果表明 PIAAC 各参与国在职人群的“学习积极性”与参加非正式继续学习之间亦存在显著关联。
关键词:  PIAAC  终身学习  学习积极性
Received:October 26, 2017Revised:December 17, 2017
How to Evaluate the Learning Motivation of Adults—A Scale Revision and Validation Based on 2013 PIAAC9Data
Ji Jinjie
(Shanghai Gezhi High School,Shanghai 200001)
Based on a ageneral analysis of readiness-to-learn scale in the background questionnaire of PIAAC, this paper presents a measure of motivation-to-learn scale using four items from the background questionnaire of PIAAC. To investigate the scale’s dimensionality and measurement invariance, we used multiple-group confirmatory factor analyses.Results show that motivation-to-learn scale fits the PIAAC data, and is better than the original scale labeled readiness-to-learn. Further analyses support the scale’s configural invariance, full weak and partial strong measurement invariance across PIAAC2013 member countries. In addition, regression analyses were used to investigate the scale’s criterion validity. Results show that motivation-to-learn scale has significant relations to the working population’s engagement in learning in terms of participation in non-formal future education.
Key words:  PIAAC  Lifelong learning  Motivation of learn