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研制政府履行教育职责评价 指标的依据、原则及策略
(1.广西壮族自治区教育厅,广西南宁 530021;2.南宁师范大学法学与社会学院,广西南宁 530001 238200)
研制政府履行教育职责评价指标应当依据国家法律法规和教育政策规定,紧扣政府教 育工作的特点,坚持“依法依规、准确把握,突出重点、注重实效,客观公正、社会公认”的基本原则。 应采用“模块化组合”评价工具开展政府履行教育职责评价,对评价内容或事项进行分类设置评价 指标,即质性评价政府统筹推进教育工作表现、量化评价区域教育发展水平、肯定评价政府教育工 作进步程度、开展满意度调查评价政府教育工作的社会认可度。
关键词:  政府教育职责  评价指标  教育评价
基金项目:广西教育科学规划 2021 年度重点研究基地重大课题“广西教育督导法治建设研究”(2021JD009)
Basis,Principles and Strategies for the Development of Evaluation Indexes of Government’s Legal Responsibility for Education
WEI Lanming1, QIN Huaiyu2
(1. Education Department,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,Nanning,Guangxi 530021; 2. School of Law and Society,Nanning Normal University,Nanning,Guangxi 530001)
Development of evaluation indexes of government’s legal responsibility for education shall be based on national laws and regulations as well as education policies, closely related to the characteristics of government’s education work. It should also adhere to the basic principles of“in accordance with laws and regulations, stressing the key points and focusing on practical results, being objective, fair and socially recognized”. Adopting the evaluation tool of modular combination, we set up classified evaluation indexes according to evaluation contents or events. We adopt a qualitative method to evaluate the government’s performance of promoting education work, a quantitative method to evaluate regional education development level, a positive attitude to evaluate government’s education work progress, and we carry out the satisfaction survey to evaluate social recognition of government’s education work.
Key words:  Government’s responsibility for education  Evaluation indexes  Educational evaluation